Thursday, July 10, 2008

Who Do You Pray To?

I believe that prayer is a personal experience between myself and the Lord.  I begin my prayers, addressing my Heavenly Father, then I usually proceed to show my gratitude for different blessings I acknowledge in my own life. In my personal prayer, I ask for help, guidance, and blessings for my family, and others who are in need. I offer my confession and repentance, and ask forgiveness for my many sins and offenses. Each prayer is different - some with greater emphasis on my "request list", some focusing entirely on my deep gratitude, and some on bended knee with tears flowing, praying for forgiveness. I admit, I ask for more than I am grateful for. I repent less than I should.  I have much work to do in every aspect of my life, but the most important thing is that I recognize that I can be myself with my God.  He knows me and loves me, as He knows and loves you.  While there are some blessings that have need to be recited exactly as originally written by the Lord, I feel that personal prayer should be just that - personal. I find myself repeating the same words and phrases and getting into a funk on occasion.  I find my prayers becoming more recited and less intimate. But my trials always seem to get me back on my knees, humbly where I should be, pleading with the Lord, thanking Him, and offering my apologies, with every intent to do better. In closing a prayer, I use the words, "in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen" because that is how I have been taught, and that is the way the Lord has taught us to pray. 
I am so grateful that He is available to us, whenever we need Him.  Where can we pray?  Anywhere.  Anytime.  Ideally, to show my reverence and avoid outside disturbances, it's on my knees at my bedside with the door securely closed, but I need the Lord all day, so many times it while I am driving, with my eyes wide open, while I am chasing children, a prayer in my heart for someone I know is in need, a request to know what I should do in an imminent situation, etc.  I want my children to come to me whenever they feel like it!  With good news, to show they're proud of an accomplishment, to talk about friends or problems, to ask for help.  Of course I want them to!  As does our Father in Heaven.  

Prayer is a defense.  I never thought of it that way, but I can see that it is.  It is a defense against temptation. Boy do I need that...more often than I care to admit.

I challenge you now, especially if you have gotten out of the habit of praying, have never tried to pray, or have learned to pray differently, to give it a try. Pray with all your heart, respectfully addressing your Father in Heaven, asking for the things which you stand in need of, thanking Him for the good things in your life, and talking to Him as you would a dear friend. Close your prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.  You'll try anything once, won't you?  Try this and see if your heart is not warmed.  See if you can sense that someone is listening.  I promise you, someone is. And He loves you.

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