Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Have you ever wondered?

Have you ever wondered why the earth was blessed with living prophets to guide the Lord's people for thousands of years, and why we are not blessed with our own modern day Moses, Abraham or Noah?  Are the ancient accounts of the people and their prophets in the Holy Bible the only reference giving us the guidance we need to get back to our Heavenly home? I have pondered this question, and have come to the conclusion that I believe that the Lord would not leave us without modern day revelation for long.  I believe there is a living prophet on the earth today, who guides us, counsels us, and teaches us. As Moses to God's children of old, a living prophet leads and guides God's children today.  
This blog is intended to define this belief, how I have come to believe the notion that there is currently a prophet on the earth, who he is, and all of the truths and teachings that exist because of this principle. 

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