Thursday, July 10, 2008

So, you're Mormon?

Yes. A nickname, I guess, but yes. I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, whose members are often called Mormons. Let me immediately dispel some common misunderstandings:
• My husband only has one! The Church discontinued the practice of polygamy in 1890 and has excommunicated any practicing members since that date. The Texas polygamist compound is NOT affiliated in any way with "the Mormon church"
• We do not believe we go to a pink planet when we die.  Hmmmm...where did that come from?
• We do not worship Joseph Smith.  I have never in my life prayed to Joseph Smith.  I have never worshipped him in any way.  We honor him for the righteous, worthy man he kept himself, and for his great sacrifices, but we do not worship him. 
Any other misconceptions?  Feel free to comment and ask about any questions you may have.

In fact, the organization I belong to is one of great humanitarian service, believing we should follow the Master's example of service, healing and love, though those stories are buried, if reported at all. This link is full of the Church's great mission to serve and help others, regardless of creed, color or faith. 

Not only do we serve world wide, but we start in our neighborhoods and communities.  While the Church remains neutral politically, we are encouraged by Church leaders to keep ourselves informed on politics and about all candidates within any given election.  We are encouraged to serve in civic positions and do our duty as citizens, where ever we live. Our congregations are called "wards", and within these wards, perhaps some of the greatest service and charity is given to each other.  Meals are prepared for the sick and afflicted, children are cared for, single parents are given great support.  It is a marvelous Church that amazes me day to day with its unmatched organization and example of leadership, though its members are flawed and imperfect as all people are. 

I received an e-mail today titled "Some Basic Facts About the Church":

Some Basic Facts about the Church

"Some facts [that] might [help others understand
Latter-day Saints] include:
"First, 'Mormon' is a nickname for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. Members are often referred to as 'Mormons,' 'Latter day Saints,' or 'LDS.' The term 'Saint' means
"Second, the Church was restored in 1830 in upstate New York with Joseph Smith as its first prophet and president.
Today it is headquartered in Salt Lake City, with President [Thomas S. Monson] as the present prophet.
"Third, there are now over 13 million members in 176 countries and territories. About 6 million of these are in the United States, making us the fourth largest Christian
denomination in America. As one of the fastest growing Christian faiths in
the world, we complete a new chapel every working day. Members pay a tithe,
which is 10 percent of their income, making this and other programs possible.
"Fourth, local congregations are led by volunteer, unpaid members. Both men and women serve in assigned leadership positions.
"And fifth, Mormons are well represented in politics and government. . . . Members also serve in high and trusted positions throughout the world in business, medicine, law, education, media, sports, and entertainment."
Topics: Church history, Church organization,
Church doctrine, knowledge

(M. Russell Ballard, "Faith, Family, Facts, and Fruits," Ensign, Nov. 2007, 25 26)

I feel privileged to be a member of the Lord's great organized, restored Church and I am proud to be called a Mormon, so long as the name carries with it facts and not rumors or misconceptions. I am one imperfect woman, of millions of people, trying to make the world a better place by letting others know of God's love. We are His children.  He has great plans for us.  He loves us. It is my responsibility to pass His word on. He has asked us to do this, even commanded it. So I will continue in my meager attempt to reach all that I am able, to proclaim to them that they are children of God, that He loves them and knows them deeply, similar to the way we parents love our own children, but with greater magnification.  I humbly testify that these are my beliefs and I invite you to come unto Him.  Click here to find out more about where you came from, what your purpose here on earth is, and where you have the potential to become. It is always amazing to me, and I know it will be to you, as well. 

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